ISSN 1337-8740 (print) | ISSN 2453-7675 (online) | EV 5344/16


(Reflection of the Slovak Political Environment in the Political and Ecclesiastical Visions of Bishop Jozef Juraj Strossmayer. On the Origins of Catholic Slavism)

Abstract: The world historiography has so far paid attention to the well-known phenomena of PanSlavism and Austro-Slavism in connection with the unification process of Slavic nations. The author of this scholarly study defines the fundamental aims of each term and then points out the significant influence of the Slovak intelligentsia of the 19th century, standing in the origins not only of Pan-Slavism (Ján Kollár), but also of Catholic Slavism (Štefan Moyses), which were significantly followed and promoted in European society by the Croatian Bishop Jozef Juraj Strossmayer. The author describes the beginnings of Strossmayer’s collaboration with both Kollar and Moyses, as well as his change of attitude from Pan-Slavism through Austro-Slavism to Catholic Slavism, in which Moyses and Strossmayer played a decisive role. The study emphasizes the connection between the Slovak and Croatian national movements, which proves to be indicative for a better understanding of Slovak history, especially in the second half of the 19th century as well as in the first half of the 20th century. In the conclusion of the study, the author emphasizes the significance of the millennial celebrations of the arrival of Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Great Moravia, which were the beginning of the public manifestation of Catholic Slavism in the Habsburg Monarchy.

Authors: Hromják, Ľuboslav

DOI: 10.17846/CL.2023.16.1.65-77

Publication order reference: doc. HEDr. Ľuboslav Hromják, PhD.; The Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Theology, Hrabovská cesta 1, 034 01 Ružomberok, Slovakia; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3752-656X

Source: Konštatínove listy, 2023, vol.: 16, issue: 1, pages: 65-77 (PDF file)

Keywords: Pan-Slavism, Austro-Slavism, Catholic Slavism, Cyril and Methodius cult, national movement of Slovaks and Croats, Moyses, Strossmayer

Language: SLOVAK

Recommended Citation:
Hromják, Ľuboslav. 2023. Odraz slovenského politického prostredia v politických a cirkevných víziách biskupa Jozefa Juraja Strossmayera [Reflection of the Slovak Political Environment in the Political and Ecclesiastical Visions of Bishop Jozef Juraj Strossmayer. On the Origins of Catholic Slavism]. In Konštantínove listy [Constantine’s Letters] 16/1, 65-77.